Pattern Numbers 2866 - 4040
2866 - Floral spray of stylised flowers in blue, green, yellow and red within a thin blue line margin; yellow dontilled band to edge. Production date 1923. Liner backstamp with "Designed by Susie Cooper"
2902- Floral motifs in yellow, orange, green and blue with a blue dontilled band to edge. Production date 1923. Grays Galleon backstamp. This pattern (together with pattern numbers 2866 and 2875) was probably designed by Susie Cooper as a training pattern for apprentice paintresses.
2875 - Floral spray of stylised flowers in blue, green, orange, red and purple with no surrounding margin; brown dontilled band to edge. Production date 1923. Liner backstamp with "Designed by Susie Cooper"
4040 - Pink Lustre design. Floral stylised motifs in pink lustre with narrow band in pink lustre. Production date 1923. Liner backstamp with "Designed by Susie Cooper"