Pattern Numbers 7938 - 7957
7938 - Floral, print and enamelled in green, yellow, orange, browns, grey and black with narrow bands to edge. Production date 1928. Liner backstamp with "Designed by Susie Cooper"
7956 - Floral design on yellow glaze. Flowers in pale yellow, yellow, orange and purple, with leaves in three shades of brown, and grey twigs, with a narrow orange band to edge. Production date 1928. Liner backstamp with "Designed by Susie Cooper"
7953 - Floral design. On yellow Glaze. Floral, with large yellow tulip, and large flower heads in blue and orange with yellow in the centres. Black background in lower half only, with thin black line to edge. Production date 1928. Liner backstamp with "Designed by Susie Cooper"
7957 - Floral in blue, green, yellow, maroon and browns with orange line to edge. Production date 1928. Liner backstamp with "Designed by Susie Cooper"